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Automobile RFI



Auto RFI

Auto RFI at bottom of waterfall

Auto RFI at bottom of waterfall

RFI at 145 MHz., as a car passed.  Wideband across the bottom of the waterfall.

Hybrid Bus

Hybrid bus RFI

Hybrid bus RFI

Created using the SDR Radio Console software and an Airspy HF+ receiver using a receive-only outside dipole with ~50′ a leg . This example is a Gillig Corp. Standard Lowfloor Hybrid bus going by the QTH, and then halting briefly at a nearby bus stop. Maximum detectable distance is ~300′ from the antenna with the shortest being about 120′ at the antenna.

The screen was scrolling at 30lps, and (I forgot timestamps!) about 90 seconds of spectrum time total shown. Looking at another bus passage using my KiwiSDR, the interference covers from ~5MHz to ~15MHz in total.

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