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Radios reviews

Reviews of various radios will be found here.

Review of Icom 2720H VHF/UHF Mobile Transceiver


This review of Icom’s 2720H VHF/UHF mobile transceiver is not going to be a highly technical review, it will be a review on use of the radio, I am a fan of Icom rigs, so there is also a bit of bias in this review… I have owned and used two Icom 2720H’s for several years now, one in each vehicle .. It is a good rig, but it does have it’s faults… One of them being the programming. If you have a computer, all is well, but if you are on the road, and need to change anything, (anything at all), get out your Nifty Mini-Manual for it… You will need it. Continue reading »

Categories: Icom: 2720H, Info, Radios reviews, Reviews, Station | 1 Comment

Review of Kenwood’s TH-F6 Handheld Radio


The TH-F6 is very compact handheld three band transciver for radio amateurs. It can be MARS modified, allowing extended transmit ranges. The radio is NOT type accepted for commercial use. The radio comes with a reasonable sized battery pack, a wall charger, and no case. I’d recommend getting a larger Battery Pack, there are some really large packs available, some last days. Continue reading »

Categories: Info, Kenwood: TH-F6, Radios reviews, Reviews, Station | Leave a comment