Overview: Legal Disclaimer: I am not an electrician, you must check with an electrician prior to performing...
RFI Mitigation
The RFI Mitigation category contains many articles dealing with the mitigation of RFI in the home, and in the field. Includes articles on data capturing, Direction Finding, Loop construction etc. Covers subjects such as how to record RFI levels, how to perform a full site survey looking for RFI, using SDR, how to clean up your shack of RFI generating devices, and many other articles… Links to various other RFI mitigation sources are provided as well.
I still want the expensive HP type of Spectrum Analyzer, but alas, I doubt I will have...
Overview: At one point, myself and K7OLN were living about 700 feet apart. Both of us were...
This is part II in a series of articles which will cover how I interpret and use...
Clicking on any of the images on the RFI category page will take you to yet another...
Over the past several years it seems I have done nothing but hunt RFI sources. This...
This allows me to verify I am working with the same RFI source. I record the...
I then brought up each circuit one at a time... Remember I had all the major...
Over the past few years my RFI problem has been getting worse and worse. 40 Meters...
In 2014 I decided to upgrade the station, I became retired in 2013, and my use of...