March 24, 2025

2 thoughts on “I have RFI, now what– Part I, Locating it

  1. I just had a power company upgrade from 7200 to 14400 volts recently and immediately have a s-9 noise level. Power company replaced transformer but still have rfi that appears to be generated on their lines and magnified more once transformer is connected. The noise is more noticeable on higher frequency bands, 20-10 meters, with 15 and 17 meters the worst.

  2. A new Xmas time RFI nightmare creeping into the suburbs. I turned on the radio onto 40 meters discovered S9+ birdies across 40 meters. These birdies were accompanied by heavy switching transients that hit S9 +10db. Pulled out the direct sampling receiver and found that the RFI was spread right from 3 mhz to 15mhz with birdies and white noise across the HF spectrum.

    Pulled out the Direction finding loop and tracked the interference down to a location of 1.1 kilometers away to a Street. What did i find? 3 or 4 houses decorated in XMAS LED lights with massive sculptures in LED lights. I used a very directional Flag antenna and confirmed that the RFI was coming from the many houses that have XMAS Led lighst and sculpture competitions. I could see a massive switchmode LED driver/power supply on the roof with miles of wire with LED lights hanging off these wires. Is it then that you can hear birdies that S9+10db more than 3000 ft away. These LED external XMAS decorations were a broadband jamming source that is as bad as illegal grow lights and even a worst threat to HF radio since they run them all night. The birdies were even detected during the day with power supplies emitting bad hash even in standby mode.

    The EMC laws are a total failure. These laws allow consumers to buy LED switchmode drivers that used industrial open frame rack power supplies with no RFI filters to be bought and installed everywhere with impunity. They then connect these RFI polluting devices to what is effectively an antenna and then we get shocked when they have the same transmitting potential as a 10 Watt HF radio their emissions are so strong on the HF bands.

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