March 3, 2025

13 thoughts on “K4 Software availability

  1. I Hit the Split button and got to educate myself about how to reset my screen to my likings. Ended up in ‘Track mode’ and had to do a little searching…. Then couldn’t find my B Cursor at all…. little more searching. It’s good to be reminded how to setup the screen every once in a while.

    Nice looking program. I’ll try to spend some time with it and teach it how to work my way.

    Best 73,

    K4EES – Ken

  2. Jeff,
    I figured somehow the excel files got corrupted, so I reloaded them and copy/pasted the former macros that I had been using to the new ones. It seems to work just fine now in compact mode. 🙂

    1. Wow… I am at a loss, so far, you are the only person to have this issue… Is there anything different about your machine? Please try the following:

      1. Create a folder in My Documents
      2. Copy MacroMaster.exe to that folder.
      3. Copy your macro files to that same folder.
      4. Launch Macromaster.

      Do you see your macro titles on the button faces?
      Do they work in that configuration?

  3. I’m using the programmable buttons. They work fine in regular mode, just not in compact mode..weird..

  4. Is it possible to program Macromaster to remember the window position it was last used? Also, I can’t seem to get the macrobuttons to work in compact mode. Is this normal ?


    1. Hi,
      At some point I will add sticky position to the application. So far, you are the only person to indicate the macro buttons do not work in compact mode. There are 50 user programmable buttons, and 30 or 40 non user programmable buttons, which set are you having issues with?

  5. Great stuff you’re working on ! I use the KAT500 without the communication cable. I think your program would still work?


    Joe, W8JH

    1. The MacroMaster package talks only to the K4. If you have the K4 serial port in passthrough, and you have the correct cable in place, it should pass commands. See the ELECRAFT K4 list for instructions on this.

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