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Major Appliance RFI



Washing Machine RFI

Hotpoint Washer on Top Band a

Hotpoint Washer on Top Band

Hotpoint Washer on Top Band a

Hotpoint Washer on Top Band

Hotpoint Washer on 80 Metres

Hotpoint Washer on 80 Metres


Maytag Brovos Washing Machine on 40 and 17 Meters


Maytag Brovos Washing Machine on 40 Meters

Maytag Brovos Washing Machine on 40 Meters


Maytag Brovos Washing Machine on 17 Meters

Maytag Brovos Washing Machine on 17 Meters


RFI from a Foodsaver vacuum packing appliance


Foodsaver vacuum packer causing RFI

Foodsaver vacuum packer causing RFI


RFI from Foodsaver

RFI from Foodsaver


RFI gone when unplugged.

RFI gone when unplugged.

A/V clip Foodsaver RFI







Note that the Foodsaver generated RFI while plugged in, and turned off.  The audio video clip to the left shows the RFI and the audio from the Foodsaver.  Just having this device plugged in causes RFI, it does not need to be turned on, as per the person reporting.

I would expect that all Foodsavers generate RFI as companies tend to use the same design between models if possible.


RFI from Bosch Dishwasher on 10 Meters

RFI from Bosch Dishwasher on 20 Meters

RFI from Bosch Dishwasher on 10 Meters

RFI from a Bosch dishwasher across 50 KHz of 10 meters.

RFI from Keurig Coffee Maker across the spectrum

Keurig Coffee Maker RFI

Keurig Coffee Maker RFI, click to enlarge.

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