If you look at this site, you will see that I have been fighting an RFI problem for years… For the most part I have it beaten down, and it seems to not be coming back… So… That said, I decided to construct a four square array for 40 meters, and a two element 30 Meter phased array, so I could null the remaining RFI, and gain some signal too boot. This also gives me a decent 30 meter Antenna array as well… A four square system is not a small project, you need four verticals, miles of ground wire, a phasing unit, and some land, couple that with a two element 30 Meter phased array and you end up needing something like two miles of ground wire, and five antenna… For the past few decades I have been threatening a 40 Meter phased array, maybe two elements, maybe parasitic, or maybe driven, I never really committed.
I had a failed tower project, and found myself with a slight surplus of money after I sold everything dealing with the tower… The cash I was going to use for the tower, could be redirected to the four square project. So I decided to build a phased array for forty and 30 Meters! As I see it the pros/cons as as follows: Read more