Ethernet LAN RFI:

Note the peaks every 60 KHz… Typically ethernet can be seen at the following frequencies:
• 3,511 kHz • 21,052 kHz • 28,288 kHz
• 10,106 kHz • 28,014 kHz • 28,319 kHz
• 10,122 kHz • 28,105 kHz • 28,350 kHz
• 14,030 kHz • 28,181 kHz • 28,380 kHz
Ethernet LAN RFI:

Here is a zoomed in view of a single peak.
RFI from a Laptop Switching Power Supply:

RFI on 80 Meters from a Laptop SMPS.

RFI from an Acer monitor. The monitor was turned off mid sweep of the waterfall, the many red vertical lines are the RFI, and the monitor was turned off, which is where the red lines are not…