Below you will find a list of the most recent list of RFI suppression links for horticultural lighting systems, (ballasts, lights, cords), which may suppress RFI. This list has been collected from various Ham Radio mail lists. This is not a guarantee of reduced, or no RFI, but a list of devices claiming to suppress RFI. No guarantee of any kind is offered here. These items have been reported as improving RFI conditions only.See Tom Thompson’s page for more information along the lines of construction of RFI suppression devices. Also see K0QE’s page for more information on suppression of RFI. See this article on RFI. The ARRL also has information on enforcement of RFI issues, as well as some links, and test data showing just how bad the RFI can get.
RFI lighting suppression list:
Tom Thompson’s RFI filter Page