March 26, 2025

1 thought on “Review of the eQSL QSL Service

  1. Thanks for the review. I use both data bases for the same reason – to help out other hams. I DO NOT consider the ARRL awards to be more “anything” but expensive and I like and show and brag to visitors about the eQSL awards I have earned just as much. The ARRL awards are expensive and I have spent over $600 on them. The big disappointment for me was the multiple WAS mode awards that I purchased years ago were just dozens of stickers in a box with no way to actually know where to put them on the awards except with my and their records. It was a mess and the stickers ultimately did not match any records – mine or the ARRL’s. They couldn’t or wouldn’t help me sort out the problems…… The eQSL awards are not an issue they are good looking and have been accurate. I was in the ARRL’s pilot program for the WAZ award. It was a complete goat rope and seems to still be a mess today. I talked to K1ZZ about it some years ago and he tried to help them I think but they are just stuck behind in technology or maybe it is a bad attitude or arrogance on their part. I collect some wall paper and enjoy other awards like the Russian WPX awards which are beautifully done! There are many, many others and non-hams don’t know or care about the issuer’s security system – and frankly neither do I – if you cheat – shame on you. I don’t and won’t. It is a non-issue for me.

    In summary – I support all QSL systems I know about to help other hams. I collect awards and special operation QSLs from many sources and value them all.

    I don’t cheat on my QSOs or QSLs and just assume others do not either. I cannot understand why anyone would – no money involved – just ego – so I don’t think much of the “security” system the ARRL uses. I consider it silly and frankly an insult as well as being clumsy.

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